Thursday, 19 October 2017

1.Important Files on PeopleSoft Application Server
I have listed the directory structure of these major PeopleSoft components and compiled a list of important directories and file within them.
 The major components of PeopleSoft System are.
1.File server
2.Web server
3.Application Server
5.Batch server / Process scheduler
6.Database server

1.Application server is the heart of PIA.
2.Stores business logic.
3.Prepare SQL statements and sends it to database.
4. Manages the   communication between windows client, web client and database.Uses the tuxedo.

PSAPPSRV.CFG:   This configuration file contains the information about the Jolt/Wsl port numbers, SMTP,domain settings and all other information which is related to the domain configuration.
PSAPPSRV.UBXL: This is the template or model file for the PSAPPSRV.UBB file. This is where the system stores environment settings after being edited through PSADMIN.
PSAPPSRV.UBB:This file stores and passes all of the domain values to the Tuxedo load configuration program.
PSAPPSRV.ENV:This contains environment information, such as the PS_HOME referenced by a domain.
PSAPPSRV.VAL:This is a validation file which validates the entry in the configuration file such as the database type, jolt port limitation etc.his helps to prevent administrators from entering invalid values.
PSTUXCFG: This contains PeopleSoft and Tuxedo information regarding the location of executables, files, and command lines for server processes. This file is required to boot a App server domain.

Elastic Search PIA Configuration:

We need to go to Peopletoolsà Search frameworkà Search instance
Fill the below-
1.Password for esadmin is esadmin & people is peop1e(we can make password custom)
Note: Make sure URL is http not https.

2. Next go to peopletoolsà Search framework-> designerà diagnostics.
Do diagnostic test similar like SES.
Note:Make sure all went to success.
3. Next ensure Elastic search priority is set under search frameworkà administrationàsearch instance administration.
If both SES and Elastic search is there as priority. Give ES more priority than SES.
4. Also ensure Search USER is set.
5. Next Deploy the PTPORTALREGISTRY similar like SES.
6. Run PTPORTALREGISTRY job like below.
Once this Job goes to success, logout, login and verify.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

1.Important Files on PeopleSoft Web Server

PeopleSoft has several different components which have their own role to play in
PeopleSoft Architecture. These components have different file structures and contains important executables and configuration files.

The Webserver can be installed on Windows or Unix OS. WebLogic can have different versions with appropriate service packs as per the installed tools and application version.

Config.xml-This XML file is helpful at the time of booting this Webserver domain.
setEnv.cmd-This bat file has the environment variables such as JRE home set.
StartPIA.cmd- This bat file starts Weblogic for the specified domain.
StopPIA.cmd-This bat file stops Weblogic for the specified domain. file has information about the appserver, jolt port, http and https port,web profile,Webserver settings.
startPSWEBAPPS.cmd/.sh-Start the DES application on an Oracle WebLogic Server.
stopPSWEBAPPS.cmd/.sh-Stop the DES application on an Oracle WebLogic Server. the file enables you to specify and set gateway properties to modify gateway behavior, without having to recompile source code.

PUM Manual Cleanup Process on Windows NativeOS and Linux

1.Run the command ./psft-dpk-setup.ps1 -cleanup.
2. If the script displays a FAILED message like below, try to run it again.
starting the PeopleSoft Environment cleanup Process:
Verifying if Puppet Software is Installed on the Host:[  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Environment from the Host: [  OK  ]
Cleaning up Source Details for PeopleTools Client:   [  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft PIA Domain:                         [  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Domain:  [  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Application Server Domain  [  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Database:                            [FAILED]
The cleanup of PeopleSoft environment failed.
Check the log file E:\fscm92pi24\setup\psft-dpk-setup.ps1_cleanup.log for the errors.
After correcting the errors, you can directly run the
Puppet apply command to continue with the initialization
3. If it succeeds, you will get the messages like below and check the BASE_DIR folders to be sure everything has been deleted.
PS E:\fscm92pi24\setup> ./psft-dpk-setup.ps1 –cleanup
Starting the PeopleSoft Environment cleanup Process:
Verifying if Puppet Software is Installed on the Host:[OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Environment from the Host: [OK]
Cleaning up Source Details for PeopleTools Client:   [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft PIA Domain:                         [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Domain   [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Application Server Domain: [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Database:                              [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft OS Users Environment:        [OK]
Undeploying Oracle Database Server:                        [OK]
Undeploying PeopleTools Components:                     [OK]
Undeploying Application Components:                      [OK]
The cleanup of PeopleSoft environment is successful.
4. If the BASE_DIR folders are not clear, or if a subsequent deployment is not successful, carry out the steps below.
For the advanced manual cleanup on Microsoft Windows, please see the following steps. These should be performed by someone familiar with modifying the Microsoft Windows registry. Depending upon where the cleanup process failed, some of the items mentioned in these steps may have already been removed. The user should remove whatever remains in this order:
1. Start Services. To do this, go to Start menu > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
2. Stop the services OracleService CBD<Database Name> and OracleOraDB12cHomeTNSListener by highlighting the names, right-clicking and selecting Stop.
3. Open a command prompt, running as administrator, and remove the two services with the commands:
sc delete OracleService CDB<Database Name>
sc delete OracleOraDB12cHomeTNSListener
Note: If the service names have spaces, put them in quotation marks.
4. In the Services window, stop ORACLE ProcMGR V12. and TListen by highlighting the names, right-clicking and selecting Stop.
5. In the Services window, right-click each of the services in step 4, select Properties, and copy the correct service name (rather than the alias).
6. Open a command prompt and remove the two preceding services with the command:
sc delete <service_name>
7. Open the Microsoft Windows registry; for example, select Start, Run, and enter regedit.
8. In the Registry Editor, locate the HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE folder.
Select the following keys and verify that they contain references to the DPK installation locations in BASE_DIR:
• KEY_OraDB12cHome (C:\psft\db by default)
• KEY_OraTux1213Home (C:\psft\pt\bea\tuxedo by default)
• KEY_OraWL1213Home (C:\psft\pt\bea by default)
9. In the Registry Editor, locate the HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\TUXEDO folder. Select the key and verify that it contains references to the DPK installation locations in BASE_DIR (C:\psft\pt\bea\tuxedo by default).
NOTE: Registry entries could vary depending on the OS. The above could be HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\SALT\\for Tuxedo for your OS.
To Check if the ORACLE_HOME Variable is defined and valid open regedit and go to (MACHINE --> SYSTEM --> Current Control Set --> Control --> Session Manager --> Environment). If for some reason, the ORACLE_HOME variable cannot be seen, check the Windows Environment variable by running the DOS command "SET".
10. In the Registry Editor, only for the keys from step 8 and 9 that reference the DPK installation locations, rightclick and select Delete.
11. Close the Registry Editor window.
12. Open the file C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\ContentsXML\inventory.xml in a text editor.
13. Locate the three lines that reference the DPK deployment:
<HOME NAME="OraWL1213Home" LOC="C:/psft/pt/bea" TYPE="O" IDX="16"/>
<HOME NAME="OraTux1213Home" LOC="C:\psft\pt\bea\tuxedo" TYPE="O" IDX="17"/>
<HOME NAME="OraDB12cHome" LOC="C:\psft\db\oracle-server\" TYPE="O"IDX="18"/>
14. Delete only the lines referencing the DPK deployment, and save the file.
15. Remove everything under the BASE_DIR folder (C:\psft\db, C:\psft\dpk, and C:\psft\pt). Note. You may get a message that some of the file names are too big for the recycle bin. Click OK to accept.
16. Remove C:\User\<username>\psft\pt\8.55 (PS_CFG_HOME).
17. Delete any user-defined System Environment Variables (PS_HOME, TUXDIR, PS_CFG_HOME, PS_APP_HOME, ORACLE_HOME).
18. Restart the windows machine to release any cache or processes in the memory.
19. Run the deployment script.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Make Oracle/Application user password never expire
SQL> select username,account_status,expiry_date,profile
from   dba_users where username in ('PEOPLE','SYSADM');
USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS                   EXPIRY_DATE
------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------
PEOPLE                         EXPIRED(GRACE)                      25-MAR-10
SYSADM                       EXPIRED(GRACE)                   28-MAR-10
SQL> select * from dba_profiles where profile='DEFAULT'
 and limit is not null and limit ! ='UNLIMITED';
PROFILE                        RESOURCE_NAME                    RESOURCE_TYPE
------------------------------ -------------------------------- --------------------------------
DEFAULT                        FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS            PASSWORD
DEFAULT                        PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME                   PASSWORD
DEFAULT                        PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME                PASSWORD
DEFAULT                        PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME             PASSWORD
Whether those security policies are rather good enough in a non-application server configuration, it would be avoided in Peoplesoft environment. If you don't pay attention enough, in the middle of a working day everything will stopped down and your users will certainly start to call you.
So, much better to remove all the limits, and freed the password expiration from SYSADM and PEOPLE users :
SQL> alter profile default limit
  failed_login_attempts unlimited
  password_life_time unlimited
  password_lock_time unlimited
  password_grace_time unlimited;
Profile altered.
SQL> alter user sysadm identified by SYSADM;
User altered.
SQL> alter user people identified by peop1e;
User altered.
SQL> select username,account_status,expiry_date,profile
from   dba_users where username in ('PEOPLE','SYSADM');
USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS                   EXPIRY_DATE
------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------
PEOPLE                         OPEN
SYSADM                       OPEN


Tuesday, 26 September 2017

PeopleTools Upgrade from 8.54 to 8.55

People Tools Upgrade: 8.54 to 8.55

1.       Download the PeopleSoft PeopleTools installation guide for your database platform.
2.       You will be installing a separate PS_HOME for the purpose of the upgrade. Install your new PeopleSoft PeopleTools software.
3.       Applying a PeopleTools Patch. Download and apply the PeopleSoft PeopleTools Required at Upgrade patch from Patches & Updates on My Oracle Support.
4.       Install PeopleSoft Change Assistant 8.54 and configure.
5.       Setup the configuration Manager Profile.
·         To set the profile:
·         Open Configuration Manager.
·         On the Profile tab, select the Default profile, click Edit, and then select the Common tab.
·         The Edit Profile - 'Default' dialog box appears

·         Edit Profile - 'Default': Common tab
·         Set the Input Directory to <OLD_RELEASE>\data, where OLD_RELEASE is the name of your actual PeopleSoft application directory.
·         Set the Output Directory name to the same name as the Input Directory.
·         Leave the Log Directory field as is.
·         Change Assistant sets the Log Directory value.
·         Select the Process Scheduler tab and verify your SQR settings.
·         PeopleSoft Change Assistant will use these settings to launch SQR.

6.Download the PeopleTools Upgrade Change Package from MOS. 

  Apply the PeopleTools Upgrade Change Package by creating upgrade job.
PT8.55 Tools Upgrade: Requires Source and Target PsHomes
Generating the Upgrade job
Install PT8.55 CDs to a separate PsHome (new)
•Use of an Upgrade Change Package … copied into CA (new)
Where is the Upgrade Change Package?
-> PT8.55 Upgrade Home Page Doc ID 2070772.1
What is in the Upgrade Change Package?
-> Upgrade template and html documentation
•Copy the minor tools patch as a package into CA (new)
-> Upgrade will include processing of the patch
Reference: Getting Started on Your PeopleTools Upgrade - Upgrade Home Page

Change Assistant Setup for the PeopleTools Upgrade Job
• Configure Change Assistant:
select Update Manager… (new)
• Select Upgrade Task:
select Upgrade to New Release of PeopleTools... (new)
• Select PeopleTools Upgrade:
select the upgrade change package (new)
select the minor tools patch change package (new)
Reference: Getting Started on Your PeopleTools Upgrade – Upgrade Home Page
Change Assistant Setup for PeopleTools Upgrade Job


Change Assistant Setup for the PeopleTools Upgrade Job:

Define your database and new PS_HOMES and current PS_HOME

Then begin applying the Change package.
Then please monitor the upgrade job till it stops for changing the configuration manager for 8.55(new tools).
Once it is done, continue the upgrade job. Once after ending the upgrade successfully.
Please install People Tools and patch to 8.54 PSHOME and start using the 8.55 PSHOME.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Disable the fluid homepage on Peopletools 8.55

To disable the fluid homepage on Peopletools 8.55 . Please follow below steps:

1. Go to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding System Options and change the "Default Branding Theme" from DEFAULT_THEME_FLUID to DEFAULT_THEME_TANGERINE_ALT.

2. Go to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Personalization > Personalization Options and search for "PPTL" and change "User Option HPPC (PTHOMEPAGE) from Fluid to Classic by using the "Set Option Default Value" link. (in Format tab)

3. The above changes desktop option. If mobile devices should use classic also, change HPTABLET option too.

(NOTE: classic homepage can not be displayed on small form factor device.)

1.Important Files on PeopleSoft Application Server I have listed the directory structure of these major PeopleSoft components and compil...