Wednesday, 18 October 2017

PUM Manual Cleanup Process on Windows NativeOS and Linux

1.Run the command ./psft-dpk-setup.ps1 -cleanup.
2. If the script displays a FAILED message like below, try to run it again.
starting the PeopleSoft Environment cleanup Process:
Verifying if Puppet Software is Installed on the Host:[  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Environment from the Host: [  OK  ]
Cleaning up Source Details for PeopleTools Client:   [  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft PIA Domain:                         [  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Domain:  [  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Application Server Domain  [  OK  ]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Database:                            [FAILED]
The cleanup of PeopleSoft environment failed.
Check the log file E:\fscm92pi24\setup\psft-dpk-setup.ps1_cleanup.log for the errors.
After correcting the errors, you can directly run the
Puppet apply command to continue with the initialization
3. If it succeeds, you will get the messages like below and check the BASE_DIR folders to be sure everything has been deleted.
PS E:\fscm92pi24\setup> ./psft-dpk-setup.ps1 –cleanup
Starting the PeopleSoft Environment cleanup Process:
Verifying if Puppet Software is Installed on the Host:[OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Environment from the Host: [OK]
Cleaning up Source Details for PeopleTools Client:   [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft PIA Domain:                         [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Domain   [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Application Server Domain: [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft Database:                              [OK]
Cleaning up PeopleSoft OS Users Environment:        [OK]
Undeploying Oracle Database Server:                        [OK]
Undeploying PeopleTools Components:                     [OK]
Undeploying Application Components:                      [OK]
The cleanup of PeopleSoft environment is successful.
4. If the BASE_DIR folders are not clear, or if a subsequent deployment is not successful, carry out the steps below.
For the advanced manual cleanup on Microsoft Windows, please see the following steps. These should be performed by someone familiar with modifying the Microsoft Windows registry. Depending upon where the cleanup process failed, some of the items mentioned in these steps may have already been removed. The user should remove whatever remains in this order:
1. Start Services. To do this, go to Start menu > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
2. Stop the services OracleService CBD<Database Name> and OracleOraDB12cHomeTNSListener by highlighting the names, right-clicking and selecting Stop.
3. Open a command prompt, running as administrator, and remove the two services with the commands:
sc delete OracleService CDB<Database Name>
sc delete OracleOraDB12cHomeTNSListener
Note: If the service names have spaces, put them in quotation marks.
4. In the Services window, stop ORACLE ProcMGR V12. and TListen by highlighting the names, right-clicking and selecting Stop.
5. In the Services window, right-click each of the services in step 4, select Properties, and copy the correct service name (rather than the alias).
6. Open a command prompt and remove the two preceding services with the command:
sc delete <service_name>
7. Open the Microsoft Windows registry; for example, select Start, Run, and enter regedit.
8. In the Registry Editor, locate the HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE folder.
Select the following keys and verify that they contain references to the DPK installation locations in BASE_DIR:
• KEY_OraDB12cHome (C:\psft\db by default)
• KEY_OraTux1213Home (C:\psft\pt\bea\tuxedo by default)
• KEY_OraWL1213Home (C:\psft\pt\bea by default)
9. In the Registry Editor, locate the HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\TUXEDO folder. Select the key and verify that it contains references to the DPK installation locations in BASE_DIR (C:\psft\pt\bea\tuxedo by default).
NOTE: Registry entries could vary depending on the OS. The above could be HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\SALT\\for Tuxedo for your OS.
To Check if the ORACLE_HOME Variable is defined and valid open regedit and go to (MACHINE --> SYSTEM --> Current Control Set --> Control --> Session Manager --> Environment). If for some reason, the ORACLE_HOME variable cannot be seen, check the Windows Environment variable by running the DOS command "SET".
10. In the Registry Editor, only for the keys from step 8 and 9 that reference the DPK installation locations, rightclick and select Delete.
11. Close the Registry Editor window.
12. Open the file C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\ContentsXML\inventory.xml in a text editor.
13. Locate the three lines that reference the DPK deployment:
<HOME NAME="OraWL1213Home" LOC="C:/psft/pt/bea" TYPE="O" IDX="16"/>
<HOME NAME="OraTux1213Home" LOC="C:\psft\pt\bea\tuxedo" TYPE="O" IDX="17"/>
<HOME NAME="OraDB12cHome" LOC="C:\psft\db\oracle-server\" TYPE="O"IDX="18"/>
14. Delete only the lines referencing the DPK deployment, and save the file.
15. Remove everything under the BASE_DIR folder (C:\psft\db, C:\psft\dpk, and C:\psft\pt). Note. You may get a message that some of the file names are too big for the recycle bin. Click OK to accept.
16. Remove C:\User\<username>\psft\pt\8.55 (PS_CFG_HOME).
17. Delete any user-defined System Environment Variables (PS_HOME, TUXDIR, PS_CFG_HOME, PS_APP_HOME, ORACLE_HOME).
18. Restart the windows machine to release any cache or processes in the memory.
19. Run the deployment script.


  1. Is BASE_DIR same as PS_HOME or a separate directory?


    1. BASE_DIR should have db,dpk,pt(ps_home,ps_app_home,jdk,weblogic).

  2. where should Puppet Software be installed (what directory)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. how to rectify database log errors?

  5. How to correct the errors?


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